As of December 1st 2024 our prisoners pages will not be updated until further notice, so please bear that in mind when using the information below.
PS: Check out, the now Philly ABC-run anarchist and class struggle prisoners listing wiki resource.
Rest of the World
[All US federal prisoners' addresses can also be located at:]
Jesse Cannon BX4822, Sierra Conservation Center, 5150 O'Byrnes Ferry Road, Dorm 27, Upper Tier 7U, Jamestown, California 95327, USA. [Correct as of: 13/07/24]
Jesse 'Tall Can/TC' Cannon is an antifascist prisoner who is serving a five-year sentence for two different cases. The first centers around militant community defense in so-called San Diego, Kumeyaay land, against a force of well-known fascists (proud boys and american guard) on January 9th, 2021. The second case he caught while he was fulfilling a support role for the historical Chicano Park community a short while later.
TC has deep ties to his local community and a long history of engaging in struggle for its defense alongside his friends and comrades. He is a father, an artist, and an avid lover of the outdoors. He enjoys reading books and zines on history, art, politics, and nature.
Jennifer Amelia Rose #E-23852, Salinas Valley State Prison D3-1250, P. O. Box 1050, Soledad, CA 93960-1050, USA. [Correct as of: 17/01/24]
Jennifer Amelia Rose aka "Babygirl" is an anti-authoritarian trans woman and insurrectionist amazon held captive for over 25 years for armed robberies and a 1995 attack on a district attorney and associate prison warden. She took part in the 1991 Folsom Prison hunger strike, after which she was beaten and tortured, convicted for armed resistance, and sentenced to multiple 25-to-life sentences under the Three Strikes Law. She has spent over ten years in solitary confinement at Folsom and the Pelican Bay Secure Housing Unit. Despite all of this, Jennifer continues to struggle for freedom, remaining a committed anti-authoritarian, anti-imperialist, anti-racist, anti-fascist, and anti-capitalist.
Jennifer Amelia Rose #E-23852, Salinas Valley State Prison D3-1250, P. O. Box 1050, Soledad, CA 93960-1050, USA. [Correct as of: 17/01/24]
Jennifer Amelia Rose aka "Babygirl" is an anti-authoritarian trans woman and insurrectionist amazon held captive for over 25 years for armed robberies and a 1995 attack on a district attorney and associate prison warden. She took part in the 1991 Folsom Prison hunger strike, after which she was beaten and tortured, convicted for armed resistance, and sentenced to multiple 25-to-life sentences under the Three Strikes Law. She has spent over ten years in solitary confinement at Folsom and the Pelican Bay Secure Housing Unit. Despite all of this, Jennifer continues to struggle for freedom, remaining a committed anti-authoritarian, anti-imperialist, anti-racist, anti-fascist, and anti-capitalist.
Jessica Reznicek #19293-030, FCI Waseca PO Box 1731 Waseca, MN 56093, USA. [Correct as of: 17/01/24]
Jessica Reznicek is a 40 year old land and water defender who has worked with and lived in the Des Moines Catholic Worker Community for the last 10 years. In 2016, Jessica took a stand against the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline in Iowa. Jessica attended public comment hearings, gathered signatures for valid requests for Environmental Impact Statements, and participated in civil disobedience, hunger strikes, marches and rallies, boycotts and encampments. When the process failed, she concluded the system was broken, and it was up to individuals to take action and protect the water. She and a fellow Catholic Worker then spent the next couple months disabling construction machinery along the pipeline route. No one was injured by their actions, and the land was protected from the flow of oil for an additional six months. On February 6, 2021, Jessica pleaded guilty to one count of Conspiracy to Damage an Energy Facility and on June 30, 2021 was designated a domestic terrorist by the court and sentenced to 8 years in prison, followed by 3 years supervised probation, and a restitution of $3,198,512.70 paid to Energy Transfer LLC.
Eric King Released to a halfway house after 10 years in prison. [Correct as of: 09/01/24]
Eric G. King, a 28-year-old vegan anarchist, was arrested and charged with an attempted firebombing of a government official's office in Kansas City, MO in September 2014. Eric is being charged with throwing a hammer through a window of the building, followed by two lit Molotov cocktails.
On March 3, 2016, he accepted a non-cooperating plea agreement to one count of using "explosive materials to commit arson of property used in or affecting interstate commerce". Then almost three months later on June 28, at the federal courthouse in Kansas City, Missouri. Eric King was sentenced to ten years, the statutory minimum and maximum for the charge he plead guilty to. His release date is June 2, 2023.
More information at:
You can also help Eric towards the costs of phone calls with friends and supporters to prevent him from being isolated, the costs of books and shipping to help him pass the time inside (much of which has been in solitary confinement), and commissary to help him purchase toiletry items and vegan food, as well as helping people to come support him by pack the courtroom for Eric's trial, by donating to Eric's Fundrazr account.
NB: Mail at USP McCreary has very strict standards. He can only receive mail written in blue or black ink (including printed mail). No colored ink or pencil.
He can only receive mail written/printed on white paper with standard thickness.
No postcards.
Envelops must be addressed by printing or writing address in envelope (no labels). Only white envelopes.
Green Scare
In a widespread coordinated FBI sweep called 'Operation Backfire' in early 2006, a number of people have been imprisoned for acts of ELF and ALF (Earth Liberation Front and Animal Liberation Front) property destruction and sabotage, implicated by informers and other defendants. One of the defendants, Bill Rodgers from Arizona, was found dead in his cell while on remand in an apparent suicide. The term Green Scare refers to the federal government's expanding prosecution efforts against animal liberation and ecological activists, drawing parallels to the "Red Scares" of the 1910's and 1950s.
Marius Jacob Mason, #04672-061, Federal Satellite Low, 33 1/2 Pembroke Rd. Rte. 37, Danbury, CT 06811, USA. [Correct as of: 17/03/25]
Sentenced to 21 years and 10 months for involvement in ELF arsons, against a University building carrying out Genetically Modified crop tests and other ELF actions, Marius has received the longest sentence of any of the Green Scare defendants.
UPDATE: We would like to let everyone know that Marius Jacob Mason will no longer be using the name Marie, and will be using male pronouns. We hope that you will all join us in supporting Marius through this transition, which will no doubt be extra challenging within the prison system.
NB: Until his name is legally changed, any mail sent to Marius in prison will still need to be addressed to ‘Marie Mason’ on the envelope. This goes for donations also.
Please write to Marius at this time! Receiving supportive and friendly mail makes a world of difference. [source] [20/07/14]
Michael Kimble #138017/G1-24A, Willian E. Donaldson Corr. Facility, 100 Warrior Lane, Bessemer, AL 35023, USA. [Correct as of: 16/08/22]
Michael Kimble is a black, gay anarchist serving a life sentence in Alabama for the murder of a white, homophobic, racist bigot. During his first years of imprisonment, Michael embraced communism, but soon moved away from it and toward anarchy because, as he describes it "anarchism is not about building a hierarchical structure for liberation somewhere in the distant future, but about living your life, now, in a fashion that’s liberating."
Michael has a long history of both individual and collective struggle against prison authority, and continues to engage in the fight against prison slave labour as part of the Free Alabama Movement.
Leonard Peltier # 89637-132 USP Coleman I, PO Box 1033, Coleman, Fl 33521, USA. [Correct as of: 17/01/24]
Leonard was an American Indian Movement (AIM) activist framed by a COINTELPRO operation for the murder of two FBI agents in 1975 and is serving two consecutive life sentences. He's gravely ill at the moment and has recently been denied access to a life-saving Hepatitis C treatment [September 2016].
His support group can be contacted: LPDC, PO Box 583, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA.
email: [email protected]
John Graham, #04321, South Dakota State Penitentiary, Box 5911, Sioux Falls, SD 57117-5911, USA. [Correct as of: 17/01/24]
John was an American Indian Movement (AIM) activist and was arrested in Vancouver in December 2003, and extradited to South Dakota in December 2007. The allegations against John are of murdering fellow AIM member Anna Mae Pictou in 1975. John Graham denies he killed Anna Mae.
Oso Blanco (Byron Shane Chubbuck) #07909-051, USP Victorville, Post Office Box 3900, Adelanto, California 92301, USA. [Correct as of: 17/01/24]
Oso Blanco is an indigenous activist originally serving 80 years in prison for a series of bank expropriations throughout the southwest in 1998-1999. In 2016, 25 years were taken off his sentence when he won his Johnson v. U.S. appeal. He is part of the wolf clan Cherokee/Choctaw, raised in New Mexico. His indigenous name is Oso Blanco or Yona Unega in Cherokee. He was known to the FBI as 'Robin the Hood' because he informed the bank tellers he was expropriating funds to assist the poor and indigenous people fighting for independence in the southern Mexican state of Chiapas.
[Address envelope to Byron Chubbuck]
Sean Swain #2015638 OSP Youngstown, 878 Coitsville-Hubbard Rd, Youngstown, OH 44505, USA. [Correct as of: 17/01/24]
An anarchist/indigenous prisoner and former union organiser fighting his conviction by citing the US government's illegal occupation of native land, also by running for governor of Ohio from prison as a Zapatista candidate in 2010.
He has been held without a legal conviction or sentence since 1991 for the self-defence killing of a court official’s relative who broke into Sean’s home and threatened his life. In 2011, the Ohio Adult Parole Authority gave Sean a continuance of 5 years without notifying his counsel of a full-board hearing as required by statute. None of the State’s laws apply in Sean Swain’s case. His next parole eligibility date is in 2016 but there is no reason to believe the State will have any greater regard for justice or truth than it does now, so Sean has stated that he will not attend that hearing.
Check out Sean's regular posts on his blog.
Bill Dunne, #10916-086, FCI Victorville Medium I, Post Office Box 3725, Adelanto, California 92301, USA. [Correct as of: 17/01/24]
Bill Dunne is an anarchist political prisoner who was sentenced to 90 years in 1979 for the attempted liberation of comrades from Seattle’s King County Jail in downtown Seattle, Washington. During the escape a shootout occurred and eventually Bill and two of his comrades were arrested. In 1983 Bill tried to escape from USP Lewisburg and for that was sentenced to an additional 15 years, 7.5 years of imprisoned in the notorious control units at USP Marion. Bill had his first parole hearing in 2014, which was denied. The parole board‘s reasoning was due to the fact that Bill still maintains communication with anarchist groups and individuals. Not only has Bill been in solidarity with the anarchist movement and the individuals and groups that take part in it, but also Black liberation movements and indigenous resistance movements. Through the years Bill has also taught GED classes at almost every prison at which he has found himself, helping many prisoners get their GED.
Casey Brezik, #1154765, c/o Digital Mail Center- Missouri DOC, Post Office Box 25678, Tampa, Florida 33622-5678, USA. [Correct as of: 17/01/24]
Casey Brezik is an anarchist from the Kansas City area. In 2010, anarchist Casey Brezik tried to assassinate the governor of Missouri. In June 2013, he was convicted and sentenced to a dozen years on each of three counts � assault and two armed criminal action charges � and seven years on a second count of assault. All sentences will run concurrently.
Xinachtli (Alvaro Hernández) #255735, Post Office Box 660400, Dallas, Texas 75266-0400, USA. [Correct as of: 17/01/24]
Xinachtli is a Chicano-Mexicano, anarchist political prisoner sentenced to 50 years in prison for aggravated assault on an officer when he disarmed a sheriff attempting to shoot him. Since in April 2016, he has been going by his chosen name Xinachtli, which is Nahuatl for seed.
[Address envelope to Alvaro Hernández]
Mumia Abu-Jamal AM8335, SCI Mahanoy, 301 Morea Road, Frackville, PA 17932, USA. [Correct as of: 17/01/24]
Mumia is an ex-Black Panther, radical journalist and MOVE supporter who was framed for the murder of a cop in 1981. The death sentence for Mumia has been overturned, but his defence team has 180 days, to put together an appeal against his sentence being commuted to life. For more info contact International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal, PO Box 19709, Philadelphia, PA 19143, USA.
Mónica Caballero Sep�lveda
Centro de prisión preventiva de mujeres de San Miguel, San Francisco 4756, San Miguel, Región Metrópolitana, Chile. [Correct as of: 07/12/23]
Francisco Solar Dom�nguez
Complejo Penitenciario Rancagua – Módulo 2, Calle La Gonzálina s/n, Rancagua, Región O’Higgins, Chile. [Correct as of: 07/12/23]
In the early hours of Friday, July 24, 2020, a number of searches took place in Santiago, Chile, and two anarchists, Francisco Solar and Mónica Caballero, were arrested, accused of several actions with explosive devices between 2019 and 2020. Specifically, both are accused of the double explosive attack that took place inside the Tánica building, a former Transoceánica real estate agency, in the wealthy municipality of Vitacura, on February 27, 2020, an action claimed by the Afinidades Armadas en Revuelta (Armed Affinities in Revolt). While only Francisco is accused of the shipment of two parcel bombs: the first against the 54th police station of Huchuraba, in the northern area of Santiago, which on July 25, 2019 caused the injury of eight policemen; the second to the offices of Quiñenco, against the former Minister of the Interior Rodrigo Hinzpeter, in the municipality of Las Condes, which arrived on the same date but was defused. This last double action was claimed by the Cómplices Sediciosos / Fracción por la Venganza (Seditious Accomplices / Fraction for Vengeance).
Previously, Mónica and Francisco were arrested on August 14, 2010, in Chile, in the context of the repressive anti-anarchist operation called 'Caso Bombas'. In previous years, at least a hundred arson and explosive attacks had targeted power structures. On June 1, 2012, all the defendants were acquitted. They were subsequently arrested on November 13, 2013 in Spain and charged with carrying out the explosive attack against the Basilica del Pilar in Zaragoza (October 2, 2013). At the end of a lengthy trial they were finally sentenced to 4 years and 6 months. On March 7, 2017, they were released from prison and deported from Spain to Chile.
UPDATE: On December 7, 2023, Francisco was sentenced to 12 years in both instances for two shipments of explosive devices to the 54th Police Station and Rodrigo Hinzpeter [right wing politician and former Interior Minister and Defense Minister of Chile], 15 years for the attempted homicide of Carabineros officers, 6 years for serious injury to 5 Carabineros and 600 days for less serious injuries, five crimes of minor injuries (100 days each = 500 days), 818 days for aggravated damage to the police station, 12 years for the attempted homicide of Hinzpeter, two 12 year sentence for the planting 2 explosive devices at the Tánica building, adding up to a total of 86 years. He was also fined 8 utm per month.
At the ame time Mónica Caballerowas finally sentenced to 12 years in prison as an accomplice of two crimes of placing artisanal explosive devices in Tánica.
It should be remembered that both comrades have been in prison since June 24, 2020, serving a total of 3 years that must be deducted from the total sentence.
End of trial and final declarations of Francisco Solar and Mónica Caballero (Santiago, Chile, 6-7 November 2023)
Juan Flores Riquelme
Complejo Penitenciario Rancagua – Módulo 1, Calle La Gonzálina s/n, Rancagua, Región O’Higgins — Chile. [Correct as of: 07/12/23]
Juan Flores is serving a sentence of 23 years, having been convicted by the Chilean state for incendiary attacks in 2014 claimed by the Conspiracy Cells of Fire & International Conspiracy of Revenge. On July 23, 2014 a CCF cell bombed Los Dominicans station on the Santiago Metro, and on September 8, 2014 a shopping mall in Las Condes. In both instances, measures were taken to ensure the bombswould not hurt anyone, but in the former a bag containing the bomb was moved by a Metro employee, and in the latter the
police ignored a warning call the CCF cell made 10 minutes before the bomb was set to go off. As a result, the attacks ended up injuring people, so the Chilean state was able to claim they were meant to terrorise the population, and used an anti-terrorism law to obtain maximum sentencing on March 15, 2018 after proclaiming Juan guilty of both attacks. Two other anarchist comrades, Nataly Casanova and Guillermo Durán, who were arrested along with Juan Flores on September 18, 2014 in a large police operation and were initially charged alongside him, but after over three years of imprisonment and criminal proceedings, they were found not
guilty on all counts.
Joaquín García Chanks, Complejo Penitenciario Rancagua – Módulo 1, Calle La Gonzálina s/n, Rancagua, Región O’Higgins — Chile. [Correct as of: 07/12/23]
Joaquín whas convicted for bombing a prison guard training facility in San Bernardo, Chile, along with his comrade Kevin Garrido. They were both arrested the day of the bombing on November 19, 2015, and were held in prison until September 2018, when the court sentenced Kevin to 17 years, and Joaquín to 13. On November 2, 2018, Kevin was murdered in prison by another prisoner.
In 2016, while awaiting sentence, Joaquín attacked the former boss of the intelligence police during the Pinochet dictatorship inside the prison they both were held in.
Marcelo Villarroel Sep�lveda
Juan Aliste Vega
Complejo Penitenciario Rancagua – Módulo 1, Calle La Gonzálina s/n, Rancagua, Región O’Higgins — Chile. [Correct as of: 07/12/23]
In September 2007, a branch of the Banco Santander was robbed in Valparaíso and on October 2007 a second robbery took place at the Banco Security in Santiago, during which one cop, Luis Moyano, died in a shootout and a second, Fernán Abarca, was wounded while the perpetrators were making their escape.
After a long international manhunt, Villarroel and Fuentevilla were arrested in Neuquén, Argentina on March 15, 2008. They were then deported to Chile on December 15, 2009. On July 9, 2010, comrade Juan Aliste Vega was arrested at the bus station in Retiro and all three spent many years in prison awaiting a trial that faced regular and repeated postponement.
On July 2, 2014, the 3 comrades were sentenced in their absence, having refused to assist in the judicial show, and gave their disposition by video link. Juan was sentenced to 18 years for the homicide of Moyano, 10 years for attempted homicide on the cop Abarca and 14 years for the assault on Santander Bank in Valparaiso and Banco Security for a total of 42 years. Freddy was sentenced to 5 years for accessory to the Moyano homicide plus 3 years for accessory to attempted homicide of Abarca and 7 years for the Banco Security robbery, a total of 15 years in prison. Marcelo was sentenced to 14 years in prison for the assault on Santander Bank in Valparaiso and Banco Security.
Freddy was released in 2018.
[Updated: 05/08/21]
Rest of the World